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Shay Zilberman

The Wandering Jew

Shay Zilberman is a Jewish artist who studied fine arts in Paris. Shay's collage series "the wandering Jew" inspired me a lot. After talking to Shay via Zoom, he kindly allowed me to use his work as a part of my material development. Anti-Semitic people invented the myth of the wandering Jew; A Jew didn't let a stranger stay at his place overnight, and as a punishment, the Jew had to wander around his whole life. However, Shay told me that the idea of wandering around for an entire life rather represents a sign of growth for him.

Since my great-grandmother wandered around for about 100 years, this story was very intriguing to me. To me, wandering is a representation of growing through having challenges. So I decided to embroider abstracted versions and stitched them on top of shawls with one stitch. This allows the little figures to wander around as soon as the shawl moves.

<p>הצעה לפרויקט_שי זילברמן</p> הצעה לפרויקט_שי זילברמן
<p>הצעה לפרויקט_שי זילברמן</p> הצעה לפרויקט_שי זילברמן
<p>הצעה לפרויקט_שי זילברמן</p> הצעה לפרויקט_שי זילברמן
Shay Zilberman
Shay Zilberman
Shay Zilberman
Shay Zilberman
Shay Zilberman